Thanksgiving in Haxtun

Grandpa, Grandma, and their six children.
Grandpa, Grandma, and their six children.
When I was growing up, we spent many a Thanksgiving at grandpa’s house in Haxtun Colorado. Thanksgiving was a much anticipated and happy time. We would leave home on Wednesday afternoon after dad got home from work. It was a long 7 hour drive to Grandpa’s house in those pre-interstate highway days, so it would be really late by the time we arrived. Continue reading


Sarah Ellis - Window Blind Shadows Portrait

Sarah Ellis – Window Blind Shadows.

Sarah was is town Thanksgiving weekend so we squeezed in enough time for a photo shoot. November 27 was the only date that worked for both of us. I had a special project in mind. Early November through late February is the only time of year that the sun is low enough in the sky to shine in the south facing window in my studio. I put a set of window blinds in the window for this part of the photo shoot and opened the blinds half way. Alignment was critical. It took quite a bit of doing to get the bands of sunlight to line up with the pupils of her brown eyes.

Mila Avani, Ore Dock

Mila Avani

Some photographic concepts are planned out well in advance, and some are spur of the moment. This was one of those spontaneous, “in the moment” ideas. Mila and I were doing portraits in the area around Marquette Michigan. It was after dark by the time we arrived at this location and the ore dock was lit up in the background. It just seemed like a great idea to rim light Mila with the lights in the background.

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Tonight: Supermoon, Jupiter and Jupiter’s 4 Moons

Stellarium:  Jupiter and it’s four moons tonight around 9:15 pm local time.

After you look at the supermoon tonight, the last supermoon until Oct 7, 2025, look at Jupiter, the brightest object below and to the left of the moon. With 10X binoculars and something steady to rest them on, you can see Jupiter’s four Galilean moons.  It is a pretty sight. Galileo spotted these moons in December 1609 or January 1610 and by March 1610 he figured out from their motion they were Jupiter’s moons and not stars. This diagram (above) shows you which moon is which tonight. Ganymede and Callisto are quite close together.

How to Get the Best Results from the Best Online Photo Labs

The lab you choose and the kind of file you send to your lab can make a huge difference in the quality of prints you get back. How do you pick a good online photo lab? How do you get the best results from your lab? What color space should you use for your digital files and how do you convert your files to the right color space? How big a print can you make from your digital files?

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Trunk or Treat, 2024

Trunk or Treat

The local weekly newspaper asked me to send them a bunch of Trunk or Treat photos, so I did. These are my favorites. As it turned out, it was a much busier news week than usual, so only two of my photos made it into the paper. Every year Trunk or Treat is sponsored by the Enactus program at Graceland University here in Lamoni Iowa.

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7 Years Ago Today at the Sugar Shack

The Sugar Shack, Arlington Vermont, October 23, 2017.

If you have been following this series of articles you know I spent several wonderful days in Acadia National Park. On my way home I did some exploring in western Vermont.  I stopped at the Sugar Shack in need of a rest break. Once I got inside I was hooked. They sell incredible Vermont maple syrup that is made on-site. It comes in several flavor strengths. The strongest flavor, which is my favorite, will curl your toenails. If you are at the Sugar Shack you can sample the different flavor grades and see what you like. You can order from their online store (link below) in several different sizes.

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Lamoni Middle School Football

Korbin Nall (25) scores a touchdown on the first play from scrimmage.

As usual, when I photograph an event for the weekly Lamoni Chronicle, I create a lot of images and select about 6 to 12 to send to the paper. The paper usually chooses from 2 to 6 to publish. On really rare occasions a dozen might get published. If it is a slow news week, more of my photos get published so I always hope for a slow news week. The photos in this article are my “selects” from the October 7, 2024 middle school football game between the Lamoni Demons (red helmets) and the Melcher-Dallas Saints.

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Why (and How) You Should Optimize Your Digital Images!

Lamoni’s Annual Fall Festival. Before and After.

This article is about why you should optimize your digital images, with a brief example as to how to do it.

No camera, no matter how expensive, can capture the full range of light and dark tonalities that your incredible eyes can see. No camera, no matter how expensive, can capture the full range of colors that your eyes can see.  But you can make up for some of the differences by optimizing your images using Adobe Camera Raw (ACR).

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Lamoni’s Annual Fall Festival (LAFF)

Lamoni’s Annual Fall Festival (LAFF)

Every year in the fall, Lamoni Iowa has it’s annual fall festival, commonly abbreviated LAFF. I wander the street that is blocked off for vendors and take random photos. Sometimes people specifically ask me to take pictures of them. Out of the dozens of images I create, I usually pick 9-12 to send to the local newspaper and they pick a handful or more to publish.  Click any of these images to see a larger version.

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Colorado is Gold! Go Now!

iPhone snapshots.  Click image for a larger version.

It is not too late too catch the spectacular fall colors in Southwest Colorado. All of these iPhone snapshots were taken on a September 29 trip over Marshall Pass with a side trip to O’Haver Lake.  At each stop (there were many) I took a photo or two with my phone and I took a variety of images with a DSLR.  I framed different parts of the overall scene and I often did horizontal and vertical versions.  My photo excursion took 3 1/2 hours.

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Two Photographers and Eleven Outdoor/Travel Writers Pick the Best National Parks for Fall

Long’s Peak and Bear Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park

Fall is a fabulous time of year to visit the national parks. Crowds are usually smaller than in the summer, temperatures are cooler, and some of our national parks have glorious fall colors. With so many to choose from, where should you go? Which national parks will provide the best photographic opportunities in the fall?

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The Best National Parks for Fall Photography

Hallett Peak and Flattop Mountain, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

What are the best national parks to photograph in the fall? Here are my choices, grouped by state and province from west to east. This list includes the favorites I have been to, plus the ones I most want to see based on the recommendations of the photographers I trust, like Tim Fitzharris and QT Luong. More about them later.

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Colorado Fall Color Photography and Travel Guide – 2024

Maroon Bells and Maroon Lake. Mid-morning. September 24, 2015.
Maroon Bells and Maroon Lake. Mid-morning. September 24, 2015.

Headed for Colorado this fall (or any other time of year)? Welcome to my complete Colorado fall color photography and travel guide with 133 photos, 18 maps, and over 100 pages of information (if you print it all out). I cover some of the best known fall color locations in Colorado, and most of these locations look great any other time of year. Spend anywhere from two days to two weeks exploring the beautiful Colorado Rockies at a gorgeous time of year.

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