Favorite Photos – December

Favorite Photos, December. Click for a larger version.

Here are my favorite photos for the month of December. The story behind this “favorite photos by date” project is here.

Most of the December photos are portraits. I don’t do much nature photography in December. The pretty autumn leaves are gone and most years the pretty winter snows have not yet arrived. So I take pictures of family and friends, models, and our dog Sunny shows up several times.  The same will be true for the winter months which follow. Winter is just not my favorite photography season. But there were five days for which I picked two first place favorite photos for the same date. As usual, there are some days that have a second, third, or even fourth place photo.

The mix of photos this month is as follows:

Family and friends – 13
Models – 6
Landscapes – 4
Wildlife – 3
Events – 3
Places – 3

December photos by location:

Ohio – 19
Iowa – 4
Nebraska – 2
California – 2
Michigan – 1
Illinois – 1
Texas – 1
Arizona – 1
New York – 1

Links to the Story Behind Each Photo

December 1 – Terran, Iowa
December 3 – Burning Bush, Columbus Ohio
December 4 – Graham Parsons and the Go Rounds, Kalamazoo Michigan
December 6 – Anoush Anou, Columbus Ohio
December 7 – The Graceland University Orchestra and Choir, Lamoni Iowa
December 9 – Cougar, Wildlife Prairie Park, Illinois
December 10 – Tracks in the Snow, Columbus Ohio
December 11 – Children with Santa, Worthington Ohio
December 11 – Jim and Melissa, Anniversary Dinner, Columbus Ohio
December 12 – The River Walk, San Antonio Texas
December 13 – Sarah, Downtown Columbus Ohio
December 13 – Lela Rae, Columbus Ohio
December 14 – Holly, Easton, Columbus Ohio
December 15 – Autumn Leaves, Columbus Ohio
December 16 – Stephanie, Columbus Ohio
December 17 – Sunny on the Sofa, Columbus Ohio
December 18 – Sunny, Columbus Ohio
December 19 – Dina, Columbus Ohio
December 20 – Jennifer at the Piano, Worthington Ohio
December 21 – Sunny, Columbus, Ohio
December 21 – Family Portrait, Lamoni Iowa
December 22 – Grand Canyon at Dawn, Arizona
December 23 – Leg Lamp and Legs, The Pizza Shack, Lamoni Iowa
December 24 – Christmas Ornament, Columbus Ohio
December 25 – Janae and Candle, Nebraska
December 25 – Janae, Jim, and Jared, Nebraska
December 27 – Sunny in the Car, Galena Ohio
December 28 – Bird Reflections, National Wildlife Refuge. Fremont California
December 29 – Kristin, Columbus Ohio
December 30 – Andrew, Santa Hat. Ohio
December 30 – Last Light on El Capitan, Yosemite National Park, California
December 31 – Family Christmas, West Point New York

Series Link

Series: Favorite Photos by Date