The First Click of the Shutter


The first thing I do when I do a natural light portrait shoot is to do a custom white balance using an 18% gray card. Setting a custom white balance gives you more accurate and beautiful skin tones (details at the links below). After that, I do some simple portraits to get rid of the “first shoot jitters”.  The person I am working with might be a little nervous. As for me, I am a perfectionist and I am nervous before every photo shoot and I am especially nervous the first time I work with someone. So I start off with something simple. This was my first portrait shoot with Soleece and I was super nervous.

Soleece was on a bench on my front porch and I asked her to lean on her hand. The photo above is the first click of the shutter. We were super pleased with this image. When I downloaded the memory card I looked at this image and enlarged it to 100% actual pixels to make sure her eyes were in focus. 99% of the time if the eyes aren’t sharp the image is a throw away.

Soleece – closeup.

Her eyes were sharp!  This is a closeup of her face from the same image posted above. We were off to a great start from the first click of the shutter!

Soleece Links

Before The First Photo Shoot

Soleece – A 24 Minute Photo Shoot

Eye Close-ups

White Balance Links

How To Set A Custom White Balance On Your Digital Camera

The “Custom White Balance” Series