It takes time and effort to improve your photographic skills. Ask any first rate working professional. But there can be people and events that happen along the way that become the catalyst to becoming a better photographer. Several people and events changed my life as a photographer.
A single event will not make you a better photographer. But one key event or the right person at the right time can start you down an unexpected path or gives you an opportunity that leads to you becoming a better photographer. I picked five key people and events that ended up making a dramatic difference in my photography.
My camera was stolen.
A sports editor approached me at a football game.
My wife gave me an unexpected gift.
Thanks to a teenager, I broke my ribs.
I did an unexpected project for the art institute.
Two photo shoots, sent me down a path that changed my photography.
The articles about these events and how they changed me are in the links section.
Originally posted February 13, 2020. Updated October 24, 2024.
It All Started with a Stolen Camera
A High School Football Game Changed My Photography
The “Teaching Thing” Started with a Gift
From Broken Ribs to a Book Contract and Teaching at OSU
Sarah was the Beginning of a Dramatic Change in My Photography