I was teaching a photography class at Graceland University in Lamoni Iowa. We were doing an exposure exercise and I needed a white subject like a polar bear or a mountain goat.
Polar bears and mountain goats are in short supply in Iowa so I used our dog Sunny as a stand in model. It can be a challenge to use the right exposure compensation when metering a white subject with the sun coming from different directions, so using Sunny as a model gave everyone a chance to photograph a white subject in three different lighting conditions: front lit, side lit and backlit. After photographing Sunny from one direction, they would move around the circle, change the metering and photograph him from another direction.

Later on the same day we were practicing night and low light photography. This is my second favorite photo for this date.

My third favorite image for this date was taken before sunrise at one of my favorite places in the Bay Area, the wildlife refuge near Fremont California. If you have been following this series, you have seen photos from this place before.
Series: Favorite Photos by Date – all about this series
Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge – official site