I keep my photo apps together on one screen on my iPhone. Many of these apps are also available for Android phones. I thought I would share a screen capture of my photo apps and tell you briefly what these apps do. Some of these apps do things with the photos that are on your camera phone. Some of them help you control your camera phone. Some of them deal with an external camera (like my DSLR) or with external hardware. A few apps help you be at the right place at the right time. One or more of these apps might be just the ticket for what you like to do.
Photoshop Express (row 1, app 4) is a simple version of Photoshop for your phone. I use this a lot since my camera phone often falls short of what my eyes see. This is my most used post-processing app for phone photos.
Simple DoF (2 -1) is an excellent depth of field app. I use this app to determine the settings for my DSLR. First you set the Circle of Confusion based on the size of your camera’s sensor or the app won’t give you the right data. Once that is done you can forget about that setting unless you change to a camera with a different sensor size. The app has dials you spin for focal length, lens aperture, and the distance at which you are focusing the lens. The app then tells you the depth of field you will get. It is my most used app when depth of field is important.
TPE, The Photographers Ephemeris (1-3), will tell you where the sun and moon will rise and set for any date and any place on the planet. It will also tell you the sun’s direction and elevation from the horizon for any time of day on your preferred date and location. Plus it does a lot more. This is great for determining in advance where the sun or moon will be to get the specific photo you want. If I want to know when the moon will set behind the top of Mt. Ouray from my location on east side of O’Haver Lake, TPE will tell me the date and time that will happen.
Painteresque (3-3) turns phone photos into paintings. You have several options to give you different results.
Snapseed (3-2) does all kinds of weird and wonderful things to jazz up your phone photos when realism is not important.
Impression (2-2) let’s you add text to your phone photos.
Lapse It (4-4) does time lapse photography.
Diptic (2-4) does photo collages with defined edges between photos.
Photo Tangler (4-3) creates collages with blurred, overlapping edges.
Camera+ (2-3) gives you more control over your phone’s camera controls.
Google Drive (5-2) allows you to back up phone photos to Google Drive.
Light Meter (3-4) is a backup meter in case the meter on your external camera (like a DSLR) quits working.
Slow Shutter (3-1) helps your phone’s camera do long exposures at night and blur moving subjects during the day.
Daylight (1-1) and Focalware (1-2) are really simple and somewhat simple versions of the sun and moon functions in TPE (1-3).
Photoshop Camera (5-3) gives you more control over your phone’s camera. I happen to prefer Camera+ because I am used to the layout of the controls, but you might prefer Ps Camera.
Photoshop Lightroom (5-4) is for people who also use Lightroom on their tablet or computer and want to add it to their phone.
CamRanger (4-1) and GoPro Quik (4-2) are specific to external equipment I use. I use GoPro Quik with my GoPro camera. I plug a CamRanger unit into my DLSR when I want to use my iPhone or laptop to remotely control my camera. The CamRanger unit also sends the photos as they are taken from the external camera back to my phone or laptop.