Saturday Night Dance Performance at Graceland University

Dance Performance, Living Art Studios and the Graceland Gadets. March 19, 2022.

The dance classes at Living Art Studios in Lamoni Iowa teamed up with the Graceland Gadets for a dance performance Saturday night at Graceland University’s Shaw Auditorium. A large and appreciative crowd thoroughly enjoyed the evening. The Gadets alternated numbers with the dance classes. As the last indoor performance of the year for the Gadets, individuals were given awards for the year, and all of the senior Gadets were recognized.

Originally posted March 21, 2022. Updated March 26, 2022 with more photos.

Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Living Art Studios
Graceland Twirler
Graceland Twirler
Graceland Gadets
Graceland Gadets
Graceland University Gadets