CWR Website The Film from Shervin Communications on Vimeo.
Life (and great photography) is about inspiration as much as it is about information. Whatever it is that moves you to do things is just as important as knowing how to do it. If you aren’t inspired, all the information in the world won’t help you very much. But if you are sufficiently inspired, you will move heaven and earth to find the information you need. It is about vision! This 22 minute video is about finding the kind of vision that inspires your life and your photography.
In my photography workshops I provide a ton of information to help photographers “up their game” in big ways. But I am also about inspiration in both my workshops and in my personal and professional life. I read books and magazines, I watch videos, and I still go to workshops presented by other photographers that inspire me as well as inform me.
Dewitt Jones inspires me in more ways than just as a photographer. I have been reading his column in Outdoor Photographer for years. This video is a short version of a longer presentation Dewitt does for all kinds of organizations around the world. Every once in a while I watch the full length version. You can buy the full length 45 minute personal version (called Extraordinary Visions) at Dewitt’s web site.
Extraordinary Visions! This is the 45 minute version of the above video for personal use. It is $45 at Dewitt’s web site. The corporate version for training others is $795 so the personal version is a bargain.
The books and videos that have been the most helpful to me, both in terms of information and inspiration, are at my photography store which is powered by You get the same great Amazon prices, service, and guarantee, and you help support my web sites. Thanks!