I was packing the car for a 10 day trip to Iowa, and I picked out a few essential photography books to take with me. My plan was to revisit them in preparation for my upcoming nature photography workshop in Colorado. When I unpacked in Iowa, Joseph Lange’s How to Photograph Landscapes was missing. Oh No!
It wasn’t the end of the world, but this is my favorite book to recommend to beginning landscape photographers. It packs more useful information into its pages than most bigger photography books. I wanted to look through it again while I was revising my landscape presentation for the workshop. (Before every workshop, I go back over the presentations and look for things I want to update, tweak, revise, delete, and add.) Time for Plan B, I will look through the book when I get back home.
I arrive back home late Sunday evening (September 7) and I can’t find the book. I have no idea what happened between pulling the book off the shelf and when I was going to pack it in my car. The next morning I looked again, starting with another search of the car, then the garage in case I dropped it out there, and then inside the house. No book.
I need the book before the workshop so I went online Monday and ordered it with Amazon’s free (Prime) two day shipping. It just arrived this afternoon. Amazon doesn’t always come through when they promise two day shipping, but this time they did.
Thanks, Amazon!
Joseph Lange’s How to Photograph Landscapes (at my Amazon photography store).
Article: Nature Photography Books: The Three Essentials
Information: Nature Photography Workshop in Colorado, September 27
Article: The Best “How To†Nature Photography Books
Article: Order Early From Amazon: A Cautionary Tale