“Celebrate What’s Right With the World!” with Dewitt Jones. This video is great!
This is one of three short versions of a longer, 45 minute presentation. The excellent core message is the same but each version is a little different. You can see an alternate 22 minute version of this video with a different title by going here. And you can go here to see yet another 20 minute version.
If you think the short versions are great, wait until you see the terrific 45 minute version. I love it. When I need inspiration, it is one of the DVDs I pull out and watch. You can buy it under the title “Extraordinary Visions!” by going here. More of Dewitt’s DVDs are here.
Dewitt Jones has been a source of inspiration to me for over 25 years through his articles in Outdoor Photographer magazine and his video presentations.
My brother-in-law (who is the registrar/assistant for my Colorado workshops) is also an avid photographer. It is not unusual for him to call me and say “Did you see Dewitt’s article this month? It really spoke to me.” When we are out leading workshop field trips I will sometimes hear him say to someone “Dewitt Jones would say . . .”
You can sign up for email delivery of Dewitt’s weekly “Celebrate What’s Right” image at the “Celebrate” link below.

“Under the watchful eye of Orion, the Earth continues to evolve. Building mountains into the night sky. (Volcano National Park, Hawaii) ” – One of the weekly Celebrate What’s Right images.
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Dewitt Jones – articles in Outdoor Photographer
Outdoor Photographer magazine
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